
Health tips for visual artists to prevent addiction

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Spending several hours in the studio trying to perfect your craft can take a toll on your health. Artists spend a long time ensuring that they satisfy their clients, and sometimes, it can be too demanding.  

If you want to be at your best as a visual artist, you need to be in the right state of mind, devoid of addiction.

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Here’s a round-up of some health tips that visual artists can apply to prevent addiction from springing up

Be hydrated regularly

One of the ways for visual artists to avoid addiction is to remain hydrated at all times. It might be hard for you to keep up with hydration especially when there is a bust of creativity and you don’t want to be distracted.

However, getting enough water helps to energize and keep you focused in the long run.

When you take sufficient water, you will discover that you can continue for a long time without wearing out.

Taking enough water eliminates the need to take substances like drugs or alcohol which some artists depend on to enhance their performance or productivity.

Engage in physical exercise

Another way to prevent addiction from happening is to work out or be physically active.

You can dedicate some minutes of your time each day to stretching your muscles and practicing some workouts. This would be great in giving you a good posture, improving your mood, reducing tiredness or fatigue, etc.

Learn to take a break

Artists need to learn to prioritize taking a break. There are times when you might experience a creative block, and this is because you’ve not given yourself a healthy distraction. You can consider going on a vacation or taking time away from work to focus on other interests.

Sleep regularly

Working for long hours on end might look attractive because you tend to meet milestones or targets that way.

However, visual artists need to take out time to get enough sleep. This helps manage stress and ensures that you remain productive in the long run.


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Addiction treatment transcends just purging or pumping out chemicals from the patient’s body system, it involves a series of behavioural modifications. These modifications can be achieved through Art Therapy.

Art therapy has been used from time immemorial to complement addiction recovery treatments. They serve to drive the psychological component of recovery by providing an emotional outlet and a means of self-expression for addicts.  it can help turn a negative experience into a positive one, utilizing self-expression and creativity.

Patients are often encouraged to express feelings or experiences that are too painful or shameful to articulate through visual art.  Visual art can be expressed through ink, paint, clay, or other media.

It is not necessary to have a background in the visual arts or artistic talent to participate; individuals only need to be open to the experience and to engage actively to benefit from these sessions.

Common visual art activities Recovery patients can take up include

  • Painting
  • Drawing
  • Colouring
  • Sculpting
  • Scrapbooking
  • Collages
  • Photography
  • Digital Art

Usually, the art therapist is there to validate their experience and help the patient reflect. Some questions they might ask about a completed work might include:

What were you thinking about while creating this piece?

Did you have any strong emotions?

Are there any words that you associate with this piece?

How does this piece relate to your healing?

Patient’s response to these questions is then used to evaluate progress of the patient and make further adjustments if necessary.


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There is a general notion that drugs increase your creative capabilities. Granted, drugs and alcohol influence your mindset in ways that can springboard thoughts and ideas you wouldn’t normally have, they do not necessarily unlock some higher level of genius.

Some even suggest that substances unlock a part of consciousness that is normally suppressed. In fact, some of history’s greatest visual artists created well-known masterpieces under the influence of drugs and alcohol. While this is yet unproven, let’s look at likely symptoms that a visual artist is addicted.

First, who is a visual artist? A visual artist is one that creates art forms such as ceramics, drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, design, crafts, photography, video, filmmaking and architecture.

Many artistic disciplines (performing arts, conceptual art, textile arts) involve aspects of the visual arts as well as arts of other types. Also included within the visual arts are the applied arts such as industrial design, graphic design, fashion design, interior design and decorative art.

Visual artists are illusionists capable of creating something that may evoke an emotional response or may stimulate the viewer’s intellect or both. It is totally understandable why people will assume they were under some influence. That is not to say however, that visual artists don’t get addicted. In fact, they are very vulnerable to addition whether drugs, alcohol, or their art itself.

Some of the tell-tale signs are typical of addicts but some signs distinguish them; these include

  •  Showing reclusiveness
  • Lack of interest or obsession with work
  • Secretiveness
  • Weight loss
  • Blood shot eyes
  • Mood changes


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In recovery from addiction, it does not just boil down to the elimination of drugs and alcohol, or stopping addictive habits.

In conquering addiction, there is a need to thoroughly understand the root cause of the addiction. This would help the individual to combat the addiction with the necessary features in place.

The use of visual arts to treat addiction is referred to as art therapy and it is proficient in handling the psychological area of recovery. This paves way for an emotional entrance that enables the addict for proper expression.

The fact is, there are some encounters that are agonizing to relate, so it is best to use the medium of art to relay them across. And over the year, it has proved to be very proficient.

When art therapy is integrated with other recovery services like family counseling, group and individual therapy, it becomes effective in enhancing the emotional and spiritual requirements of the addict. This happens through creative and physical activities.

Now, one false notion people have about addiction treatment with visual arts is there is a need for arts expertise. However, the fact is, treating addiction with visual arts does not demand that you are inclined towards visual arts.

All that is needed is to follow the directives of the instructor and the therapy process begins smooth as ever.

During addiction treatment, the individual is expected to be very plain because it would aid the recovery speed. So, it is safe to say that the cooperation of the individual determines the possibility of the addiction treatment success.

So, with art therapy, the individual has the chance to relax and enjoy himself in the beauty of art therapy. The process of art therapy is a creative one because it enables a way to passage of depressions, emotions, worries and the likes.

Hence, even after the visual arts treatment process, it is still great to use the basic features such as drawing and painting to relate your feelings and emotions.  


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Visual artists are individuals who are talented and special. The reason why they have the skills, is to add value to the lives of people around them. Visual artists are one of the oldest artisans on Earth and why some people are not aware of their essence, it is vital to the standard of a civilization.

Visual artists have the skill to view the world in a visual way, using features like colors, angles and visual levels.

Also, visual artists are individuals who have the investigation and thoughtful nature. It would even interest you to know that visual artists can even enter the metaphysical realm.

The only downside to the deterioration of a visual artists’ ability is mental health problems and addiction. And the fact is, they are more vulnerable than other professions because of the way they are wired.

The concept of creativity demands that the brain of the artist is wired properly and not modified by external factors like addiction.

So, provided the artist subjects himself to meditation for the purpose of coming up with inventive ideas, he would be great to go. His mind needs to be refreshed on a regular basis and not with the use of addictive substances but in a natural way.

Visual artists are individuals who are very thoughtful and emotional. It is effortless for them to translate their emotions into drawing. The reason for this is, visual artists are tailored towards their profession due to their high state of sensitivity.

So, a visual artist would thrive if they utilize their talents and skills under natural forces. Also, visual artists think they can handle mental health problems by themselves. Hence, when some of them undergo stress, depression and the likes, it is usually difficult for them to handle it.

Visual artists who are addicted are advised to opt for treatment from an addiction treatment centre. It is best for an artist to receive help ASAP before it gets worse.


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Visual artists are an exceptional and gifted group of people, who have certain skills that make the lives of everyone around them, better. One of the oldest professions on earth known to man, is Art, and while some people might not be able to pinpoint its importance, it is quintessential to our civilization.

Before one can be called a visual artist, it implies that such person has the capacity to see the world in a visual way, when it comes to angles, colours, and other visual levels. It also stands for someone who is thoughtful and investigational. The personality which an artist possesses, can lift them to metaphysical realms of existence.

However, these abilities can be impaired by addiction and mental disorders, and they are usually more susceptible than other professions. One of the basic reasons why visual artists are addicted, is because they are by default, experimental. Creativity entails that experimentation is in place, and it is a necessity to flourish, keeping the perspective of the artist inventive. Sadly, the personality of an artist tends to be one of the avenues through which addiction sets in.

Visual artists are known to get involved in addictive substances and actions, which they think aid them in the expansion of their minds and thinking, in order to keep their perspectives renewed. Nonetheless with time, having to control the use of these addictive substances and actions proves to be very difficult.

Another factor which further influences the issue of addiction among artists, is their emotional and thoughtful nature. This is because, as artists, they are wired to be inclined towards arts because of their sensitive state. Therefore, they tend to thrive in life if utilized well, and their excellence can be hindered if they do not manage themselves well.

Sensitivity which is combined with an unhealthy atmosphere, could cause mental and addiction disorder. Another reason why artists get addicted, is because they want to perfectly handle depression, anxiety, stress and anger.

If you happen to know any visual artist who is combatting addiction, you can assist them by recommending addiction treatment centre. There are some centres which are customized strictly for visual artists, and receiving treatment there would be highly beneficial.

The Visual Arts

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addiction and artistsThe visual arts are rich with media that will tantalize your visual senses. There is an innumerable amount of visual arts to choose from, ranging from electronic art to photography to traditional art and beyond. The visual arts are one the oldest known forms of art in existence. They date all the way back to cave drawings created by ancient tribal people and cavemen, and have remained valuable to human civilization all the way up until modern times. People now experience the visual arts in museums, on their walls at home, in public spaces and on their digital media devices. The visual arts are something that people pride themselves on as something that sets us apart from the animal kingdom.

Traditional art is the oldest form of art in existence. The creation of digital art involves assembling and manipulating hard materials into visual art, which sets it apart from photography and digital art. Whether it is an art utensil print on a canvas or a type of sculpture created with hard materials, traditional art is the most tangible artistic medium there is. Traditional art includes everything from the aforementioned cave drawings all the way up to contemporary modern museum art.

After traditional art came photography, which first came into existence in the mid 1800’s. Photography was originally purposed as a tool for documenting, but the potential of photography as an artistic medium quickly became realized. Since then, photography galleries and museums have sprung up around the world and photography is celebrated as one of our most prized art forms.

And finally, electronic art emerged when tools became available that allowed artists to use a digital medium as their canvas. This artistic medium closely relates to traditional art, but the materials are soft instead of hard, meaning they are electronic rather than physical. Digital art is, of course, the most recent type of visual art and is still evolving in many ways, but is already considered an important and historic artistic medium that will revolutionize the way humanity shares and appreciates art.

Fight Addiction by Respecting Artistic Craft

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artistic craft over addictionOne of the amazing things about the arts is, though it attracts personalities who struggle with addiction, the arts themselves are actually a remedy for addiction. Art creation is a known way of sorting out one’s thoughts on addiction in order to overcome it, which makes it a therapeutic tool, but art creation is also a source of pride for those who are skilled at it, which makes it a motivating tool. These are two major necessities to implement into one’s life when they are working to recover from addiction.

Art as therapy is a frequently utilized addiction recovery tool in the mental health industry. There are many ways that art therapy helps a person work through their addiction issues in order to overcome them. Art allows an addict total freedom and control over their art project, which is liberating after being ravaged by and subservient to their addiction for so long. Recovering addicts are free to express themselves however they want to, whether it is through drawing or painting, literal images or abstract ones. One commonality that has been observed throughout the art projects of addicts is that the art represents the addiction like an entity – a malicious, conscious force that is wreaking havoc on their lives. This does a lot to separate the addiction from their own identity.

Those who have a passion for visual art can reap another kind of reward from creating it: that of motivation. When addicted artists honor their talent enough to put aside their addiction and pursue it seriously, they have a strong motivation for seeing their recovery through. This is a form of believing in one’s self, which is always a nod towards good mental health. As an addict shifts their focus from indulging in their addiction to creating worthwhile, meaningful art, their mind, time and talent is occupied, which naturally transitions them away from their addictive tendencies. This has been found to be a very effective method of recovering from addiction.

Common Addictions that Artists Struggle With

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common artist addictionsAddiction is frequently found within the arts community because many traits that lead to addiction are also traits that lead to creative, artistic abilities. These traits are not healthy or unhealthy inherently, but rather can be used for healthy purposes or unhealthy purposes. When people apply these traits to goals and purposeful endeavors, such as art creation, they are using them in a healthy way. But when they apply them to indulging in an addiction, they are using them in an unhealthy way. There are several addictions that are notably particular to the arts community.

Alcohol is a very common addiction among artists. A majority of alcoholics adopt their addiction in an attempt to self medicate. Alcohol is known for numbing the mind and alleviating it of thoughts. Emotions remain and often increase, but the burden of troubled thinking is lifted. This offers many people temporary relief from negative thought patterns that they do not know how to cope with otherwise. Unfortunately, this is also why it is so addictive: it is a false, easy way of coping with problems.

Street drugs are another common addiction in the arts community. Drug use represents a different side of an artist’s personality: the experimental side. Artists are naturally experimental because art is born of experimentation. This leads artists to try new things so that they can expand the limits of their minds and experience a completely alternate perspective on the world. This tendency can be harmful when experimentation leads to addiction. In seeking new perspectives and realities, artists often discover something they cannot stop coming back to and it begins to take over their lives.

And lastly, an addiction to sex is another problem behavior that many artists struggle with. Sex is often embraced as a liberating act by artists. Free sex often represents liberation from power structures or moral hierarchies and much of the arts community does not believe in restricting sex. This can become problematic for some though. Sex is equally as pleasurable as alcohol and drugs, and many people cannot resist its charms. Sex addiction is capable of ruining lives, reputations, relationships and careers.

Why Artists Become Addicts

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addiction visual artistArtists are a very unique and talented group of people whose skills enrich the lives of everyone who experiences them. Art is one of the oldest professions on earth, and while it may not be necessary to our survival, it is necessary to our humanity. To be an artist means to be very visually charged and to see the world in terms of shapes, colors, angles, lines and other visual layers. It also connotes a sensitive, experimental personality. An artist’s personality can take them to the philosophical depths of existence, but it can also be prone to addiction and mental disorders more so than in other professions. The reasons for this are complex.

One of the primary reasons artists are prone to addiction is that all creative people, artists, musicians, actors and so on, are experimental by nature. Creativity requires experimentation in order to thrive and to keep one’s perspective original. Unfortunately, this quality of an artist’s personality is also one of the ways addiction gets in the door. Artists often dabble in addictive substances and activities in order to expand their minds and alter their thinking to keep their perspectives fresh. However, as many people discover, moderating and limiting one’s use of addictive substances and activities is not so easy.

Another contributing factor to the problem of addiction among artists is their sensitive, emotional nature. Because artistic endeavors require a person to be tuned in to subtleties and sentiments, people who are sensitive by nature gravitate toward the arts. This quality makes them excel in the arts, but can hinder them in life. Sensitivity mixed with an extended unhealthy environment can result in addiction and mental disorder. One of the most common reasons for people to become addicts is in an attempt to cope with mental hardships, such as stress, anger, anxiety or depression. Sadly, these attributes are often found among artists.

If you know an artist who is struggling with addiction, help them by making them aware of addiction treatment that is tailored to the artistic mind. They can receive help from fellow artists who have recovered from addiction and know what they are going through. No one should have to suffer through addiction alone. Reach out for help today!

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